S没有邀请B却发现B出现在了自己的party上,希望对你有帮助哦(^__^) 嘻嘻……有谁知道chuck&blair在绯闻女孩第一、二季中的经典对白经典对白: C:No one ceras 无人在乎这小子 B:I do 我在乎 Don’t you understand? 你难道还不明白吗? I’ll alays be here. 我永远都在你的身边. I don’t ant you going anyhere. 我不想你去任何地方. I couldn’t bear it. 这会让我受不了的. So hatever you ant to do to youself, 无论你想对自己做什么, Please don’t do that to me. 请不要这样对我. Please. 求你了. C:I’m sorry. 对不起. B:It’s okay. 没关系的.chances to say “ I LOVE YOU “ 第一次继承第一季,绯闻女孩里响起apologize时的旁白和对话有谁知道chuck&blair在绯闻女孩第一、二季中的经典对白求美剧绯闻女孩第六季第1、2集的详细剧情601BC继上一季在赌场见面后有一场sex(BC党很是欣慰),这是关于第一季在旅行时C抛弃B后,留下C在那里伤感第二次 两人合计勾引陷害V,在两人合计不成之后,说要跟他说出他想要听的答案,B在S的party上因为小心眼以为nike会打击报复而耍了小手段。
有时间还是自己看一下吧 ,打字出来的完全无法把GG混乱的精髓表达出来 ~
旁白It’s often said that no matter the truth people see hat they ant to see. Some people might take a step back and find out they ere looking at the same big picture all along. Some people might see that their lies have almost caught up to them. Some people may see hat as there all along and then there are those other people the ones ho run as far as they can. And as for me, I can see clearly no.
对白R:Why didn’t you even tell me?
L:Oh,e on.U never ould have understood.
R:But if I had kno U hadn’t actually left me for...for him..I I mean,maybe....
L:Listen,don’t don’t. Don’t say it.Don’t even think it.
R:I can’t help myself.I never should have let you let me go.
希望对你有帮助哦(^__^) 嘻嘻……
C:No one ceras
B:I do
Don’t you understand?
I’ll alays be here.
I don’t ant you going anyhere.
I couldn’t bear it.
So hatever you ant to do to youself,
Please don’t do that to me.
C:I’m sorry.
B:It’s okay.
chances to say “ I LOVE YOU “
第一次继承第一季,这是关于第一季在旅行时C抛弃B后。B在WHITE PARTY 后 要跟那个伯爵走了,C追出来
B:Chuck , aren’t done try to destroy my night 。
C:Look , I should never abandoned you and i kne i made the rong decision as your plane took off , i distract myself all summer so i ouldnt feel it but i still do
B: And ?
C: I as scared ,I as scared that if e spend the hole summer
together just us you ill see ~~
B: see hat ?
C:Me .Please dont leave ith him
B:Why? Give me a reason , and I am Chuck Bass doesnt count.
C: Because you dont ant to ,
B:Not good enough ,
C:I dont ant you to ,
B:That is not enough ,
C:What else is there ?
B:The true reason i should stay right ho i am and not get in the car . Three ords ,Eight letters , say it then i am yours.
C:I~~ I~~
B:Thank you , that is all i needed to hear
第二次 两人合计勾引陷害V ,奖品就是两个人XX。 在两人合计不成之后,B说交易终止并叫他一小时后来她家领取“奖品”。
旁白the most times , it takes just one person ho is truly afraid to sho hat they feel get an opportunity they never thought possible .
B hy took you so long ?
C: If you thought that as long, you have no idea hat you are in for .
Hot and seaty scenes for making out.
C: Say it .
B : Say hat ? I ill say anything .
C: Say those three ords you ant me to say ,
B: Are you kidding ?
C: Not quite.
C: Eight letters, three syllables, say it then I am yours .
B : But I am already yours , you are ruining the mood ith all this talk
C: You cant say it , you ant it from me .
B: I am prepared to settle
C : Maybe I am not .
B : Chuck Bass , I ill never say those ords to you .
C : Then you ill never have me .
B: Is this because of V ? It as a game , Chuck , that is it .
C: Maybe I ant to raise the stakes , are you ready to play that game ? I chased you for long enough , no it is time you chase me .
旁白 And some things never change, let a ne game begin
第三次B使用了多项计策勾引C不成之后,决定投降了。 B约好C在布鲁克林见面,说要跟他说出他想要听的答案。
C Brooklyn ?
B I guess this ould be memorable
C: Don’t you have something you ant to say to me ?
B: Yes , it is so silly , hat does it matter ho say it first , hy don’t e just say it together ?
C: Because e made a deal .
B: Why does everything have to be deal ?
C: Because e made it one . What is going on , Blair ? You told me you have something to say to me .Say it ,
B: Why do I have to be the one go first , I as the one ho aited in x for you , I ent to x alone .
C: That is the ancient history .
B: I as the one ho asked you to say it first .
C: At the hite party ? When you ere on your ay out ith the count ? Would you really think I as gonna say it then ?
B: Yes , hen you didn’t , I anted to die .
C: Don’t tell me you brought me all the ay to Brooklyn for this . I thought you already to tell me ho you really feel , obviously it is just one of your games .
B: My games ? You are the one ho started this .
C: And you are the one ho finish it .
B 哭着离开了,真是无限伤感啊, 泪奔啊 ,哭死啊 ~~
第四次 颓废的C提前离开父亲的葬礼,B在后面追了出来。(这次B终于说出了那THREE WORDS , 可是怎么感觉反而更伤感呢)
B: Chuck, stop , dont go ,or if you have to leave ,let me e ith you
C: i appreciate your concern
B: no , you dont ,you dont appreciate anything today ,but i dont care , hatever you are going do i ant be there for you .
C: We talked about this .YOU ARE NOT MY GIRLFRIEND.
B: But i am me, and you are you ,e are Chuck an Blair , Blair and Chuck . The orst thing you ve ever done , the darkest thought you ve ever had , i ill stand by you soon ,anything .
C: Why ould you do that ?
C: That is too bad .
旁白 Chuck Bass fleed his father’s funeral , and Blair shutting tears for the dearly departed .
SE2-25,The goodbye gossip girl
B: I anna talk.
C: I prefer to talk after .
B: Ho do you think about my coat?
C: I like it.Why?
B: (take the coat off)And no?
C: Even better.
B: And...hat about my headband?
C: I...admire it.
B: and...My stockings?
C: oh i adore them.
B: And my dress?
C: I orship it.
B: Ho do you feel about me?
Say it.
B:hy aren’t you in Europe?
C:i as in Paris.But only to get your favourite macaroons from pierre herm.
B:and Germany?
C:to pick up your favourite talky stockings. You kno ho i adore them.
B:hat are you doing here then?
C; you ere right. I as a coard running aay again.But everyhere i ent, you caught up ith me. So i had to e back.
B: i ant to believe you... But i can’t. You’ve hurt me too many times.
C:you can believe me this time
B:that’s it?
C: i love you,too.
B:but can you say it tice?... No ,i’m serious, say it tice.
C:i love you. I love you mm. There’s three, four, --i love you.
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