
大明星 2023-08-11 09:25www.nygn.cn女明星


HP同--黑色灰色(D )
HP同--斯莱特林荣耀(D) HP同--穿越之我是哈利·波特(DH)
HP同--哈利波特之守护(小H弟弟) HP同--西林先生的奇遇(DH)


【Tom Felton 档案】
名字:Tom Felton
全名:Thomas Andre Felton(托马斯.安德鲁.费尔顿)
学校13岁之前在 West Horsley 的 Cranmore School,然后在Effingham school《TOM评价Effingham school很棒不仅仅是因为这学校里有成堆的女生= =#,而且女生们都穿校服裙!在男校待了10年TOM觉得有女生便是很好了....》
最喜欢的食物:Pizza and A kind of sandich like this:it ould have about three rashers of bacon, a massive burger, a couple of sausages, and a fried egg. 比萨和一种像这样的三明治要有大约三片咸肉在里面,一个很大的夹饼,一对儿香肠,还有煎鸡蛋。(TOM说这种食物没营养但好吃)
最喜欢的运动:football, iceskating, roller blading, basket ball, cricket,simming and tennis
爱好:钓鱼(他常去一个叫Bury Hill的地方钓鱼,很有瘾,几乎疯狂~~~)
最喜欢的音乐:Rap(说唱音乐.) &Hip pop
最喜欢的歌手:Eminem(阿姆 美国人——白人说唱天才.曾连获3年格莱美大奖 .他相当个性谁都敢骂,上到美国总统及娱乐圈名人,下到自己亲娘,都被他骂过,他的歌词充满暴力、黑帮、吸毒、挑衅同性恋、性……有“毒舌巫师”的称号。可他照样被广大FANS喜欢,唱片销售量惊人!)
最喜欢的TV sho:The Simpsons(辛普森家庭——TOM拍戏之余经常看)
最喜欢的书Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan(达伦·山写的,一译《怪奇马戏团》,台译《怪人动物园》也是奇幻小说,这本书常常排在美国儿童畅销书排行榜的前面,仅仅落后于《哈利波特》系列)
最喜欢的衣服牌子:Armani & Versa』
“I’m not the type to go through dozens of auditions to get one role. Star status doesn’t interest me either.“
“I like the Malfoy character too much to let someone else take it.“
“When 5 or 6 year old fans see me they often start to cry.“


德拉科Draco malfoy is shaped into a pride, arrogance, and some eak spirited boy. He fights in fan fiction is very high, ith a lot of fans. But hat is undeniable is that fans too magnified the role of the advantages, and idely to malfoy misinterpreted as platinum nobles. Don’t have a noble, in fact the izarding orld is only a pure family. And malfoy is nor real pureblood.
In the original novel, Draco malfoy alays love “my dad“, likes to sho off his ne brooms, like to alk around ith the classes. From the performance of the second pound medicinal broth, he is not a kind of amiable boy, he to crabbe and goyle attitude of the to classes is very poor. He as used to be a lot of bad habits. Thus, Della, malfoy is a boy love shoing off vanity, face saving and petitive. Which made him alays fight and savior boy, but also because it ill lose a lot of face.
It is important to note that although Draco malfoy as shaped into harry’s chief opponent during the period of school, but he is not a thoroughly evil villain. In harry potter and the half-blood prince, “, he joined the death eaters team (not to say that he got the dark mark) at the start of the attitude is very satisfied, very happy. By hook or by crook, he actively preparing for murder, ill not care ho much sacrifice the innocent. (see “necklace“ and “ine“ in the original event) in the middle, the impatient voldemort began to threaten, he and his family life, make the malfoy to bear the pressure and he is in the bathroom. He repaired the disappearance of the ark, succeed to hogarts has introduced a large number of the death eaters. On day Wen Da, he lifted the dumbledore’s eapon, but ere struck by the President’s ords, not the killing. In harry potter and the deathly hallos, a teacher at hogarts before he killed by voldemort, this made him feel very fear. In malfoy manor, he did not identify the identity of the harry. Although these sho that Draco malfoy to behind the scenes actively preparing to kill tasks, to be joined the death eaters, life seems to others is not pletely orthless attitude, heart still a conscience. Or by dumbledore’s ords summed up as ell. Is he asked snape rather than malfoy kill themselves hen a “the soul of the boy has not been pletely destroyed“, a ord is on the day Wen Da his face visiting uncertain hen Draco said: “Draco Draco, you’re not a killer.“
Seems to Draco malfoy is also one of the most popular figures of harry potter, j.k. roling is surprisingly a villain can be so popular.. Although in the deathly hallos roling adults he forcefully into a big relief, but e still can feel the struggle, he his remorse, and his resignation.
In fanfic, he is often described as a hero has the temperament of heroes. J. k. roling ill Draco’s popular due to Tom felton incisively and vividly shon in the film “bad boy“ temperament. Some critics say that as a villain Draco should not have been love, those ho thought he just to dash forard sho their alternative and revolt. But on the “harry potter and the half-blood prince“, “, he also got a lot of people’s sympathy.
Loki (Loki) can be said to be the most nickname in Norse mythology, the god of, for example: cunning people, treacherous, deformation, liars, god of the skyLokiLoki, air traveler, etc. Loki clever and cunning, and the Lord god Odin (Odin) establish the righteous brothers became a member of the aspen protoss. He often USES his smart brain to the gods to bring many benefits, but he’s not altogether, he often up ith after playing tricks on others, such as cut hair and make it plex to recover; Assist sharkey removal of Eden again to save it. He as originally good and evil and half, or no part of his evil also. In the later, hoever, ith the rocky maneuver to kill the son of Odin bader (Loki said no kill bader), depending on the evil god Loki the gods (Samuel), and ill he ejected from the golden palace.


Veela 血统之谜 未完结 这篇德哈都是媚娃
Through the death
Hybrid destiny

哈利波特 德拉科

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不多,就是参加乌姆里奇那个调查行动小组还有抓住哈利他们的时候,实在太累了不详细写了 ==

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