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非常谢谢郭海藻的扮演者简历李念是京山哪里人李念是湖北京山新市镇人~就是京山街上的~小学读的是实验小学~我和她同校~我比她高一届~曾经一起参加美术兴趣班是同桌~(小姑娘小时候很可爱的)~她初中读的是新市中学~就是京山教委对面的哪个学校~高中就不清楚了~因为和她不怎么熟~她小学5年级参加了京山拍的一个短片故事叫《追粽》演了里面主角的女儿一直就坐在自行车上被爸爸带着走亲戚电影中没有什么对白~我读初中在京山电视台看的~我一眼就认出是李念了~现在我听说她做了演员~我猜和她小时候拍片子受的影响~我前几天看《蜗居》后看了看她的简历~果然和我猜测的一样~她自己说读大学考电影专业就是受了小时候拍电影的影响~所以说一次偶然造就一个明星呀~如果不是小学的那次经历~估计她也不会想走这条路~我们京山也总算是出了个明星呀~为她高兴~请帮忙翻译简历,姓名李念   籍贯湖北省荆门市京山县   星座双子座   属相牛   血型B   最喜欢的书莎士比亚作品、推理小说李念2009年户外时尚写真(16张)  最喜欢的动物狗狗   最喜欢的颜色白色、粉红、蓝   最喜欢的明星奥黛莉·赫本   最喜欢的歌曲《勇气》《童话》、周杰伦的歌   最喜欢的玩具维尼熊   最喜欢的着装皮裤、皮裙   最喜欢的电影类型动画片   最喜欢的食品所有水果(最爱猕猴桃)   最想做的事做让父母引以为豪的事   平时爱好钢琴、舞蹈、唱歌、台球、乒乓球、高尔夫   婚姻状况已婚(老公林和平)   毕业院校上海戏剧学院表演系本科2002级,李念是京山哪里人请帮忙翻译简历,2011年7月,2011年7月13日,因出演房奴题材的《蜗居》中的海藻而被观众所熟知,李念算是80后的新生代演员,出道以来已经在电影《霍元甲》、电视剧《茉莉花》、《换子成龙》等多部影视剧中崭露锋芒。




Resume name: Li reads sex: Woman nationality: Date of birth of Chinese: The speciality of May of 1980: Financial administration education: 2005/10-2007/02 of the accountants of Consulting Co., Ltd. of information of ork experience of junior college make head office, every branch pany ine, budget for expenditure; Analyze the match of head office, every branch pany ine, cost; Analyze the expense report form; Deal ith the account and moon not report form totally; Manage the fixed assets; Check and calculate the exchanges; Check the expenses submit an expense account; Pay taxes and declare and gather together and calculate and pay clearly in year. 2002/07-2005/09 The accountant of Investment Advisory Co., Ltd. of the real estate orks out the journal ledger and moon not report form; Clear exchanges and expense depreciation of the fixed assets,etc. regularly; Responsible for the paying taxes and declaring and gathering together and calculating and paying clearly in year of head office and more than 30 branch panies; Handle business license, the registration card of the tax, corporate ine tax business tax of branch pany to gather and apply; Handle the head office and annual check of the branch pany; Check and calculate general headquarters and every Branch of salaries deduct a percentage. 2000/09-2002/07 Dry-clean the limited pany cashier and handle cash receipts and payments; Handle the bank and fetch no, transfer accounts, remit money; Register the cash, bank journal account; Check the cash on hand every day; Work out the reconciliation statement of the bank; Payment plan of every month of the budget; Deal ith the financial document exchanges of pany and group. 1999/07-2000/08 Rubbery products limited pany The cashier handles cash receipts and payments; Handle the bank and fetch no, transfer accounts, remit money; Fill and present evidences; Register the cash, bank journal account; Handle the foreign currency and settle account, the budget and allocating the fund, check the stock products. My personality has serious, responsible, initiative, positive orking attitude, analytical capacity is strong, there is certain experience of management, adaptive capacity is very strong, quick-moving at ork, the ork on the same day is finished on the same day


姓名李念   籍贯湖北省荆门市京山县   星座双子座   属相牛   血型B   最喜欢的书莎士比亚作品、推理小说
李念2009年户外时尚写真(16张)  最喜欢的动物狗狗   最喜欢的颜色白色、粉红、蓝   最喜欢的明星奥黛莉·赫本   最喜欢的歌曲《勇气》《童话》、周杰伦的歌   最喜欢的玩具维尼熊   最喜欢的着装皮裤、皮裙   最喜欢的电影类型动画片   最喜欢的食品所有水果(最爱猕猴桃)   最想做的事做让父母引以为豪的事   平时爱好钢琴、舞蹈、唱歌、台球、乒乓球、高尔夫   婚姻状况已婚(老公林和平)   毕业院校上海戏剧学院表演系本科2002级

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